ANZAC Day is one of the popular public holidays in New Zealand. This day often falls on the weekend day and therefore is observed on Fri, 25 Apr 2025.
ANZAC Day is one of the popular public holidays in New Zealand. This day often falls on the weekend day and therefore is observed on Fri, 25 Apr 2025. This is the holiday that is moved to the next day in New Zealand but never shift to the following day of the weekend in Australia.
This is the holiday that is celebrated as the anniversary of the first key military action accomplished during the First World War by the forces of Australia and New Zealand. ANZAC stands as the abbreviation for the Australian and New Zealand army corps. Later on, the troop started getting recognized as Anzacs which is endured with pride for the day.
ANZAC Day Holidays
- ANZAC Day 2024 – Thu, Apr 25, 2024
- ANZAC Day 2025 – Fri, Apr 25, 2025
- ANZAC Day 2026 – Sat, Apr 25, 2026
- ANZAC Day 2027 – Sun, Apr 25, 2027
History of Anzac Day in New Zealand:
With the advent of 1915, the soldiers of Australia and New Zealand started with the mission to capture the Gallipoli Peninsular. The major aim behind it was to capture Constantinople which is currently located in Istanbul and is considered the capital city of the Ottoman Empire and fund to be a great supporter of Germans.
Finally, they initiated to land at Gallipoli on 25th April after having a fierce fight with the Turkish defenders. The deadlock war continued for approx 8 months and by the end of 1915, both forces suffered heavy losses.

ANZAC Day 2025
Approx 14000 soldiers participated in the fight but amongst those 2700 were killed brutally and 4852 were severely injured. But, despite of going such heavy losses, Anzac Day is considered a day of pride because it reflects the sacrifice of the soldier who died in the battle for the benefit of the country.
The date of Anzac Day was confirmed in 1916 which is considered as a half-day public holiday. On this day several ceremonies and services are performed throughout New Zealand. Later in 1922, Anzac Day started to be recognized as a national day of commemoration for New Zealand.
Since then, New Zealanders started acknowledging the service and sacrifices. On this day the soldier who served the nation and who died for the nation are honoured. Similar to the British Remembrance Day tradition, poppies are worn with the only intention to signify the support of soldiers. This day is even recognized as the poppy day when poppy sale demand is at its peak and it is usually Friday which is the day before Anzac Day.
Something about the poppy day:
The red poppy signifies remembrance on Anzac Day. This is done by growing poppies on the battlefield in WWI. The appeal for poppy day is encountered a day before Anzac Day. This is the day that is celebrated as longest running charity event in the history of New Zealand.
People dwelling in other countries significantly display their sorrow towards the lives tragically lost in the deadlock condition of war. In New Zealand, the tradition of wearing a red poppy is followed on ANZAC day but in many other countries, red poppies are adorned on Armistice Day (11th November).
Concluding lines:
Howsoever, ANZAC Day is a significant day celebrated in Australia and New Zealand because of its historical importance in memory of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country and its freedom and country rights. Presence in such a moment proves unity amongst all.